What's Happening?
Lots of Opportunities

Sunday Service
10AM Each & Every Sunday
Sunday school for ages 2 to 12
begins at 10 AM

St Patrick's Coffee Fellowship
March 5 at 1:00PM - 3:00PM
John Trudgeon will be speaking.

Board Games
March 19 at 1:00 PM
RidgeView Community Church
East Room

Ball Hockey
Northridge School
parking lot
Every Saturday morning
Starting Sat Oct 26th at 10:00 A.M.

Games Day
January 22nd - 1:00PM
RidgeView Community Church

Prayer Opportunities
Tuesday’s at the church Prayer meeting 9:30 A.M.- 10:30 A.M.
Thursday’s 9:00 A.M - 10:00 A.M via zoom
Sunday Pre-service prayer - 9:15 - 9:45 in the prayer room.
Contact Pastor Michael Lee Mikelee@rvcclondon.ca to receive the link!

Indoor Soccer
Church Gym
Every Sunday
7:00 P.M. starting October 27

Breakfast Bunch
Second Friday of each month
Scores Restaurant on Kipps Lane
9:00 A.M

Men's Breakfast
Last Saturday of each month
8:30AM-10:00AM at the church

Every Thursday
10am - 12pm and 7pm - 9 pm
in the church gym.